Justin Rouse, Director

Mobile: 07528 867 678E-Mail: justin@casabel.co.uk

Mobile: 07528 867 678

E-Mail: justin@casabel.co.uk

After over 25 years working for some of the most reputable and highly-regarded commercial and residential property companies in the UK, Justin founded Casabel in order to focus on providing a high-quality and uniquely tailored service to a small number of his long-standing  clients.

With expertise in commercial agency, development and investment markets, Justin has acted for some of the largest and best-known regional and national companies in the UK. His established connections help identify and secure prime office and development opportunities, on an ‘off-market’ and exclusive basis for clients.

Justin lives in The Peak District with his wife and son. He is an enthusiastic cyclist and recreational open water swimmer, participating occasionally in triathlons where he is reluctantly made to run…slowly. He is an active supporter of local community projects, small businesses and charities in his home town, where he has lived since childhood.